MURÁNYI Marcell: Bug

„COVID-19 turned the Anthropocene back into the Holocene. As people disappeared from urban public spaces, animals carefully made their way into these deserted places. But this period didn’t last long. Restarting human life has pushed out all other living...

JUHÁSZ Gergő Kaska: Make it visible

„We are familiar with the concepts of graffiti and streetart. We have heard of public streetart exhibitions, about the famous or infamous stars working in the genre, some of whom even give interviews or public statements – most of the time in contexts defined by...

SOMLÓ Dávid: Ringing

During ‘Ringing’ I will continuously ring bells for three hours walking slowly along a precisely set downtown route which anyone can join. During the walk we will play on different bells, changing the urban soundscape – the sounds will follow us just as its...

Ine van Horen: Blaha-Walk

What do we want to see in our big cities? How anonymous do we need to accept the architecture and how can we relate to it? How can the presence of the camera be a gentle katalysator to get in touch with the surroundings? It all started with an image made the 5th of...