ARCHIVE_2015 / Kitt JOHNSON (DK): Gaps

 (magyar nyelven ITT) (part of the MELLEMRUM encounters series) dance theatre in the urban space of Budapest Time: 6 PM, 25-26 September, 2015 Meet-up Point: in front of the József Attila Theatre, 1134 Budapest, Váci str. 63. (We advise you to dress comfortably, in...

ARCHIVE_2015 / Jessica DOLBY (UK): Mapping Budapest

 (magyarul ITT) exploring Budapest one picture at a time   Times and Venues: 6 PM, 24 September 2015. / Meet-up Point: entrance to Csepel Művek, 1211 Budapest, Gyepsor str. 1. 4 PM, 26 September 2015. / Meet-up Point: Müszi, 1085 Budapest Blaha Lujza sqr. 1. We...

ARCHIVE_2015 / Teleport Gallery (HU): ( 0 )

(magyarul ITT) a trip through space and time and the center of Hungary Times: Midnight, 24th, 25th and 26th of September, 2015. Venue: Clark Ádám square, 0 km stone Teleport Gallery is a mobile exhibition space: it does not have a constant, geographically...

ARCHIVE_2015 / Sightseeing – Public Art Documentation – Exhibition

(Magyarul ITT) the Szatyor Gallery is moving to a new space on Bartók Béla street Opening: 7 PM, 10th September, 2015 The exhibition will open between: September 11th and November 8th, 2015. Opening Hours: Tuesday: 18:00-21:00 / Wednesday: 12:00-16:00 / Saturday:...

ARCHIVE_2015 / STEREO Akt (HU) – SPACE (NL): We Hear You

(Magyarul / in HUNGARIAN) interactive documentary performance about the European culture of complaints Times and venues: 22 September 2015 3 PM, 4 PM: Madách square 5 PM, 6 PM: Blaha Lujza square, parking in front of Corvin 7 PM: Margit bridge on Pest side, Pozsonyi...

ARCHIVE_2015 / Kud Ljud (SLO): Streetwalker Gallery

(Magyarul / in HUNGARIAN) street gallery and guided tour in the heart of Budapest Opening „guided tour”: 5 PM, 18 September 2015. Starting Point: Szabó Ervin square, in front of Szörp Café Click for the Map. From Slovenia, the Kud Ljud group is an international...

ARCHIVE_2015 / DoN’t Eat Group (HU): LOOP EVENT

 (Magyarul / in HUNGARIAN) real-time video and sound installation caught in a loop Times & Venues: 1. 7.30-9PM, 19 September, 2015 / Fény utca, Lövőház utca corner (II. ker., Lövőház u. 12.) 2. 7.30-9PM, 20 September, 2015 / Fehérvári úti Vásárcsarnok, 4 final...

ARCHIVE_2015 / noppa (HU): This Place is COOL!

(click for MAGYAR/HUNGARIAN version) an interactive mapping system of city history Opening at: 11 AM, September 20, 2015. Venue: Brauch hentes (29-31. Mester street, 9th district) Participation is free of charge. You can register at: In 2015...

PLACCC Festival 2015

PLACCC Festival was founded in 2008 and will be held for the tenth time in 2015. And we will turn the city on its head once again! Our artists will disrupt the familiar routine of the city, transforming the Hungarian capital into a space for fine art, a stage for...

ARCHIVE_2015 / machina eX (DE): PlayMobile

 (Magyarul ITT) mobile phone game parcours Time: 5 PM to 8 PM, 10-12 September 2015. Groups of six will be setting out every half-hour. Meet-up point: Jurányi Ház, 1027 Budapest, Jurányi str. 1. Ticket information: tickets are sold by Jurányi Ház,...