Patrik Kelemen: Cardiology

chakra opening – soap opera – fitness cardio  // workshop – presentation – practice sharing – community choreography // 2 DJ – ~15 dancers – maximum emotion

Between 14 and 24 September, Patrik Kelemen invites Hungarian contemporary dancers to six public workshops and practice-sharing sessions, and the resulting community choreography will be presented to the public three times under the title Cardiology.

The Hungarian musical group called Emergency House released their hit ‘Emergency House Party’ in 1996, and in this song, they list six defining aspects of life: dance, music, rhythm, fever, dance, music, tempo, power. Dance and music are featured twice, they are so important. And the rest can be examined from cultural, social and biological-physiological points of view.
This is what Cardiology undertakes: dance, music, bio-rhythm, fever (unambiguous), dance, music, metabolic pace, muscle strength. Of course, this is just another excuse to dance.

Many of us have buried culture many times and in many ways. Now I invite everyone to the funeral again: to dissect the decaying but immortal body of the Dance, so that together we can find its Eternally Beating Heart.

Cardiology is a collective choreography that opens up to the whole Budapest contemporary dance scene. Patrik Kelemen offers a workshop in which the presentation is only one component of the entire process. Its essence is performative togetherness and professional knowledge sharing. Nine times, in public space, he invites those active in the dance profession to a gathering, so that they can give and receive certainty to each other again: dance is immortal and nothing else is needed but a body and a strong heart.

Dates: 22, 23, 24 September 2023, 4PM-8PM
Locations: info coming soon

Free programme.

The event will be video and audio recorded. By participating in the event, the participant gives his/her consent to the recording and its release.