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Juhász Kata Company (HU) – Cie. Two in One (A): Our Everyday Circus

A cross-generational family performance set in a street workout park in which the active spectators can also join.

Our Everyday Circus is a cross-generational family performance that has a challenging role to play for all age groups. It is both an open-air and a site-specific performative piece, as it is set in a street workout park. It is also open in the sense that its choreographic composition “offers active viewers a place” to take part in the performance. 

While the performers from different generations are all professionals (including dancers, acrobats, parkour trainers), joining the activity does not require any special skills. It is very much worth participating for children or adults of all ages.

The performance wishes to move away from the common notion that working out is a lonely, boring and repetitive ceremony which forces people to make sacrifices on the altar of beauty – or fitness, or let’s just say: “good looks” –, while being a ritual during which we do not like to be disturbed.

On the contrary, the artists of Our Everyday Circus experiment with choreography and the creative utilization of the various tools of the park to make collective exercising a fluid and playful experience during which individual acrobatics provide a spectacle for audience members, while the choreography itself is created through everyone’s collective movement.

Creators, Performers: Luca Kancsó, Eszti Kudlák, Miki Retek, Lacek Takács, Kata Juhász, Ákos Hargitay 
Music: Dávid Szegő
Choreography: Kata Juhász, Ákos Hargitay

7 PM, 9 September 2022.
4 PM, 10 September 2022. (Family-friendly performance!)
7 PM, 10 September 2022.

Location: 1024 Budapest, Mechwart liget, open-air workout spot.

Ticketed program.
Book your ticket HERE