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Dávid Somló: Ringing

For me the most difficult thing of the recent period was my unfocused state, to where I was pushed by the feeling of losing control of the events of my life. Hence for my five hour walk, I have chosen a precisely followable, meditative task. Slowly walking, I will continuously ring bells in a precisely set downtown route for 5 hours. I will play on 5 different bells, while I will be accompanied with slowly changing, continuous harmonies coming from a portable speaker, changing the urban soundscape. The sounds are following me as the saliva follows the snail. Few days before the walk I will publish the precise route and timing and I welcome anyone to join me. 
David Somló is a Hungarian interdisciplinary artist, working with space, sound and interactions. He is creating theatrical/performative experiences exploring the relations of the physical, the social and personal space. He is interested in the small, important moments of non-verbal human interactions and often works in site-specific context. His work was performed in international festivals in Europe and South America such as Prague Quadriennale (CZ), Festival d’Avignon (FR), Festival XS Bruxelles (BE), FIME Sao Paolo (BR), Immersive Hubs (NL), Mais Imaginarius (PT), CROSS Awards (IT) NOW’16 (UK), Montag Modus (GER), Contact Zones Festival (DK), Placcc Festival (HU).