Lili Stern – Bálint Antal: Soundtrack of the City

Do you think that the apathy we often feel towards each other and our environment is an important global problem? You don’t have enough time to process the impact of our city? Do you feel like communal spaces are neglected and unused in Budapest?
Let’s be tourists of our hometown! Notice the streets, squares, buildings, people and the sounds which are surrounding us every day! Stop the alienation of ourselves from our home! Let’s have new experiences on a more personal level than before! It is great fun to learn about the city, to reconsider our relationship to it while also breaking the monotonicity of our daily routine!

Soundtrack of the City is a silent city tour where we will have a walk in the 8th district of Budapest, while listening to music, the sound of the city, occasionally making decisions about the route of the tour together. The tour is about silence, about music and about the city of course. We think that our tour is a great opportunity for anyone who would like to get to know Budapest on a deeper, more personal level through non-verbal ways.

Who are we?

Bálint Antal

I am Bálint Antal, I’m studying at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest. Apart of my university studies my passion is music, I’m really interested in finding ways to bring music and dramatic methods together. I’m also writing my thesis about the possible combinations of music pedagogy, theatrical forms and politics. Moreover I’m playing in numerous bands as well, which are in the style of punk, hardcore/punk and screamo. The DIY (do it yourself) attitude of these subcultures means a lot to me, and I’m trying to really live my life amongst the lines of these aesthetics.

Lili Stern

I was graduated at ELTE Apáczai Csere János High School at the literature department in
2018 and also ended my dance studies at Madách Dance School (2014-18). Then I started my studies at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest as a dramainstructor. In 2016 during my high school years I founded my company: A-LIST, which created various performances in the last three years. My most recent works are associated with the SVUNG team, but I’m also researching and making communal, space-specific performances.