ARCHIVE_2015 / Kud Ljud (SLO): Streetwalker Gallery

street gallery and guided tour in the heart of Budapest

Opening „guided tour”: 5 PM, 18 September 2015.

Starting Point: Szabó Ervin square, in front of Szörp Café

Click for the Map.

From Slovenia, the Kud Ljud group is an international community of visual and theatre artists. Their main goal is to research the artistic possibilities inherent in art done in public spaces, along with finding new forms for interaction-based visual arts. They profess that art must stay in direct contact with the present, with the „here and now”.

The group has been working on public space art projects in the last few years, combining different genres, styles and techniques. Streetwalker Gallery had its debut in 2012, and is a performative „guided tour” of an outdoor exhibition comprised of various everyday, „unseen” elements of the cityspace. After France, Austria, Great Britain, the Netherlands, South Korea and Slovenia this unique gallery will finally come to Hungary.

Kud Ljud’s outdoor gallery – in the spirit of Marcel Duchamp – is a collection of objects „found” in the chosen location. It consists of compositions of cityspace, scenery, installations of artifacts and so on which reinterpret the streets and squares of Budapest. The works are about current topics and problems in the city, refer to famous events and artists, inviting you to interact with the urban space itself – and to take part in conversations about your experience lasting into the night.

Participants in this year’s PLACCC Festival can take part in a „guided tour” held by the artists themselves – and the installation will remain in place even after the festivities, so you can walk along the route starting at Szabó Ervin tér and onward to discover all of the works.

Artists: Vida Cerkvenik BREN, Robin KLENGEL, Katarina ZALAR, David KRAŠEVEC, Majda KRIVOGRAD

The gallery will be open during the entire festival.

A map of the gallery can be found on our website.
Participation is free of charge.