Kata Balogh: Choreographing Attention

English-friendly program.

Choreographing attention is a performative installation, an urban choreography for your (embodied) attention inviting you to attend to your body, to space and the other, to observe the ordinary in an extraordinary way in urban public space. The micro-choreographies for your attention are embedded in public space through text and audio scores which can be performed by anyone, anytime and basically anywhere, but your experience as a performer-observer will always be unique and unrepeatable. The scores of Choreographing Attention provide a framework for your attention to find alternative movements between body, space and the other while walking and staying in public spaces.

This pop-up installation at Valyo Rakpart is the second stop of an ongoing research project Choreographing Attention which I initiated in 2022 within the framework of the MA Performing Public Space at Fontys University (NL) and which I developed in different urban public spaces within the city of Barcelona. It is the first time I install elements of this research in Budapest and at this rather unique temporary public space as the Valyo Rakpart.

Concept, text, design, installation by Kata Balogh

The installation can be visited after the PLACCC at RAKPART event at Jane Haining Rakpart.
Further dates: 3-10 September 2023
(For a more pleasant and car-free experience, we recommend a weekend visit.)