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Energy – Who Owns It?

Thematic talk by Seth Honnor (UK) artist, director, founder of Kaleider, and Kata Győri, expert of Energiaklub at PLACCC Festival

The works of Seth Honnor address social and environmental issues by questioning the collective perception and practices we take for granted, promoting a dialogue and the finding of a common ground. The thematic discussion of 5 September will focus on the issue of energy, with the participation of Kata Győri, expert of Energiaklub.The global community of our times is in crisis. The impact of a climate breakdown is more and more tangible, and – due to environmental, economic reasons and an enduring war – we are experiencing a global energy crisis. But who has the ownership over energy? Can we unhook energy from the economy? The talk revolves around such and similar questions and thought experiments.

Date: 5 September 2022, 6pm
Location: Kláris Ecoboat, 1137 Budapest, Carl Lutz rkp. 29.

Participation is free.

Special thanks to Kláris Ecoboat for the venue.