Ágens: The divine plague – Human-ethical searching game – with observation in Pesterzsébet

’This part of the city, built on a drained marsh, is a mix of the poor and a middle class habitants, a collection site. I live in a wild zone of it. I love it!’ Ágens

Ágens – during a private ‘story writing’ – reveals the hidden parts of the district, and also its iconic places and iconic figures.

During this finder game, Ágens lives an exploratory, and analyst walking at the past (it’s the result of the contemplative time of the Covid19) and she steps in interaction with her casual audience, and also with the local community, through Camus’s (Archives de La Peste) and her texts. She offers questions and tasks. The whole story is linear, but it’s also interpretable and understandable by it parts.

The Road:

  1. The gate like ’transfer-zone’
  2. The ’zone’ and the personal space: It’s the most personal action – The myth of the „center of the world”
  3. The guide – The road, like a venue – The entrance to the past
  4. The psychology of the rebel
  5. The market
  6. The inner space– the problem of the inside-outside: „church detour” and examination of the „holy space”

Detailed information about the venues and their description:
Ágens (Gyimesi Ágnes), the excessively interesting and unique figure of contemporary art. The Ágens Társulat Public Benefit Association is an active theater group.

She conducted experiments and studied dramaturgy and scenery since the foundation of the Ágens Társulat. We dealt most often with the problem of time and its spatial representation: Purcell picnolepsy 2004, Millenáris Teátrum, Award the best alternative performance – The Cultural Committee of the General Assembly of the Municipality of Budapest), sometimes with love: plastic-fantastic-bombastic (The Bluebeard’s Castle opera) 2006, Budapest Autumn Festival, sometimes with Mozart’s music and examining judgement of his early years, the art support structure: aqua toffana – 2006, Budapest Spring Festival, Palace of Arts-MÜPA, Ira – Fury, MU Theater; Debrecen, Fatum – 2009 MU Theater, etc.

Ágens worked with Meredith Monk (2003), the Magma Firetheater, Krisztián Gergye, György Szomjas, Péter Gárdos, Milorad Kristic, the Théatre Elizabeth Czerczuk in Paris (2018), Hungarian National Theater, Bárka Theater, Merlin Theater, Vígszínház, and she regularly performed in MÜPA, Trafó, Kunsthalle, MODEM, Autumn and Spring Festivals.