Zoltán Grecsó – Ádám Móser: It is what it is

G.Z.: I got my faith from Grandma. She enrolled me in religious education: just in time, because I wanted to play the role of victim to someone. The Lord of All proved to be perfect: from then on, I held God accountable for suffering. Since then, I have been more interested in finding out what I believe. I feel it more than I understand it. Intellect helps only when and where I observe things and reflect: this is what exists. My belief is when I contemplate: surely matter is intelligent, otherwise thoughts do not create, and surely infinite space loves. It can, for if it could not, it cannot tingle within: it is not logical. God made me in his own image: the carbon atoms in my DNA decide for me all my life about everything I don’t understand, so it can only be danced away. I would like to be space between quarks, to exist as wave and particle at the same time, to move as everything moves, to let some strong inner image inspire me. To both understand and feel how wonderful it is to have what is rather than not to have it.

M.A.: In recent years I have been searching for the meaning of music. In my compositions, in my musical formations, in concerts, in improvisations. How and what I can express from the world I live in. What surrounds me. Where are the limits of the possibilities of musical expression. I’m looking for the kind of abstract expression that characterizes the art of Picasso or Klee. Or Gaudí. What lies, what can lie beneath certain forms, motifs, structures, characters, phrases. And above all, how the sensuality of music affects the listener. The sensuality of the listener. The next stage in this search is when, in the space around us, let’s say Budapest, dance becomes an extension, an projection of musical sensuality. And vice versa.

Date and time: 7 PM on 21st September 2024
Location: 1136 Budapest Hollán Ernő utca 3. (in front of Madal Café)
Duration: 50 minutes

Language: not language-based

The programme is free of charge.