ARCHIVE_PLACCC_2016 / Xtnt (FR): Dedriving Code___eng

„We know very little about what we CAN DO in public space. However, we are constantly reminded of what we CANNOT DO. As a result public space is distorted, conceived without desire, designed essentially by safety rules. The Dedriving Code aims to serve as a guide to the creative use of public space” (Xtnt)

The project of Xtnt focuses on the (co)rel ation between law, art and public space. Do we know what is allowed and what is not in public space? Do we know what rights we have in public space and in general? How can art help in exploring these questions?
Dedriving Code is an international art project based on a continuous research in national and European law systems and using the possibilities in the collaboration of layers and artists.
The project Dedriving Code has different stages and aspects, but Placcc will build the Budapest-version in line with just some of them.

1. Wiki-site. The online platform of the project makes possible to create an ongoing communication between layers and artists on different questions. Artists propose an action, on which lawyers give legal opinions, than artists can try it in practice and share their experiences.
2. Workshop. Two members of Xtnt will give a 5-day workshop together with the local collaborators at the end of August 2016. The participants will explore what sensitive questions, issues can be developed with the method proposed by Xtnt, and will work on quasi-theatrical actions in public space which can challenge the legal aspects of the chosen issues. (It is very important that all the actions must be legal – even if it is on the edge of being legal.)
3. Urban intervention(s). The participants will propose one or more urban interaction(s), realised together with volunteers. The interactions should be spectacular enough to draw the passers-by attention, and clear enough to communicate the goals of the project. Additional aim can be to invite passers-by to join the action(s).
4. Photo and video documentation of the actions and the reactions of the “public”, which will be part of the wider documentation and publication of Xtnt’s experiments in different countries all over Europe.

Created and performed by: Antonia Taddei, Ludovic Nobileau, Valcz Péter, Hatáskör-túllépés Produkció.

7-8 October, 2016, 5 pm
Meeting Point: Impostor (1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 17.) – in the former TV HQ, left from the main entrance

Ticket registration: or

Ticket: 1000 Ft / discounted 800 Ft

Outdoor program.

More information:

Realised in the frame of InSitu Focus
Supporters: EU, In Situ, NKA, Budapesti Francia Intézet, Impostor, Tilos Rádió, Civil Rádió