ARCHIVE_2015 / STEREO Akt (HU) – SPACE (NL): We Hear You

interactive documentary performance about the European culture of complaints

Times and venues:
22 September 2015
3 PM, 4 PM: Madách square
5 PM, 6 PM: Blaha Lujza square, parking in front of Corvin
7 PM: Margit bridge on Pest side, Pozsonyi street
23 September 2015
12 AM, 1 PM: Madách square
2 PM, 3 PM: Blaha Lujza square, parking in front of Corvin
4 PM: Margit bridge on Pest side, Pozsonyi street

You can find our rickshaw at the times and places listed above, but if you really-really want to complain to us, please register at!

How does a street-sweeper complain? And how does a teacher? What makes a Dutch lawyer anxious? A Hungarian student, or a Polish politician? How can they overcome their anxiety and frustration? How can one file an official complaint? How can one organize a demonstration? How can one raise their voice – how can we be heard?
The complaint-rickshaw of the international team of We Hear You has been on the streets since this Summer. If it stops beside you suddenly during the PLACCC Festival and wants to take you for a spin, don’t be afraid – tell us what really irritates you instead! After the festivalgoers of the Sziget Festival, our artists are now interested in the everyday people of Budapest, and the causes they would raise their voice for. You can give us a short interview via Skype, and tell us your minor, personal problems, or even give a fiery speech about the state of the world.

The Europe-wide, multiple stop art project of three Dutch, Hungarian and Polish artists raises the question: how can the power of the community be used, and for what purpose? And how can we go from being passive victims to being active players of our own lives?

The premier of the production will be in October at Trafó – House of Contemporary Arts.

Creators-performers: ARDAI Petra, BARTHA Márk, BOROSS Martin, Julia JAKUBOWSKA
Director: BOROSS Martin

Participation is free of charge / both in Hungarian and in English.