ARCHIVE_2015 / Sightseeing – Public Art Documentation – Exhibition

(Magyarul ITT)
Szatyor_Szucs Attila szobra_kicsi
the Szatyor Gallery is moving to a new space on Bartók Béla street
Opening: 7 PM, 10th September, 2015
The exhibition will open between: September 11th and November 8th, 2015.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday: 18:00-21:00 / Wednesday: 12:00-16:00 / Saturday: 12:00-16:00
Venue: Szatyor Art Space (1111 Budapest, Bartók Béla str. 33.)

The first exhibition at the Szatyor Art Space Gallery will be about the various trends in the public art scene of Budapest. The selection will be of documented public artworks from the last ten years. It will pose an important question that is frequently brought up: how can works of art which all have context and site-specific meanings be adequately exhibited in a gallery? The „Sightseeing” project will also define the new art space on Bartók Béla street not only as a classical exhibition space, but as a think tank as well. A place where art documents can be displayed side-by-side, as in an album, giving – we hope – visitors a chance to see how techniques used in various public art projects can be so different in scale and style: sometimes leaving small traces, temporary or not, changing the cityscape in minute or extraordinary ways, or sometimes being performative in nature, driven by a new situation or the power of the passing moment itself.

The exhibition is a joint programme of Szatyor Art Space and PLACCC 2015 Festival. The opening of the exhibition will also be the kick-off party of the entire 2015 festival, so we invite everyone to come and join us!

After the exhibition opening Dj BEM will be performing from 20:30 in Szatyor Bar!

Artists: ANTAL Balázs, BOROS Lőrinc, Nem Mi Voltunk! Crew, SÁRAI Borbála Luca, SOÓS Károly, SUGÁR János, SZŰCS Attila

Curator: KENÉZ Réka

The exhibition will be opened by: MÉLYI József, művészettörténész