Three weeks after PLACCC 2024 Festival, we are presenting new programs for two weekends at PLACCC plus.
The event includes two site-specific theater performances focusing on the Danube – due to the river’s flooding in September, however, they could not take place as originally planned as part of the festival. We are also participate in Valyo’s Kelesztés program series with the location-specific screening of a dance film, and one of our projects presented in the spring is also returning at a new, surprise location.

On October 12 and 13, Rita Hoofwijk, a Dutch theater maker present her participative piece called Danu. In the summer, Rita worked on the production as part of the two-week artistic residency, and her resarch has been about the Danube and was made “together” with the Danube  – but the flood intervened at the originally planned time of the presentation.

“The river flows from the Black Forest to the Black Sea. As it flows, it meets a city on the way. When the water of the Danube reaches Budapest, it is a little more than halfway there. It reaches us in ten days, and after another ten days it mixes with the sea with its salty water. The river has been making this journey for more than a million years and has seen Budapest many times.”

The site-specific performance combines poetry and the live personal experiences with reflection on global problems and the stimulation of critical thinking.

More information HERE
Date and time: October 12 and 13, 2024, 5 pm
Location: at the Danube bank, the exact location will be sent by email after ticket purchase
Language: Hungarian and English
Ticket purchase HERE

On the same weekend, we will participate in the program of VALYO – City and River, called Kelesztés in the Budai Hengermalom (Buda Rolling Mill). On October 13, the recording of Brida Horváth – Pierre Martin – Stéphane Progran (FR) Shift will be screened in a location-specific way – that is, the screening will be shown in the same place where the performance took place live in September.

In 2022, the creators realised their site-specific dance-video-sound performance reflecting on the mill as a place of production work in an abandoned industrial mill in France, in July 2023 in an unused family mill in Nagyvázsony, and in September 2024 in the premises of the Buda Rolling Mill. The impression of vanished times, monotony and long-lasting process(es) inspire the performance, which is also shaped by the past, history and physical features of the specific location.

More information HERE
Date and time:
 13 October 2024 from 6 pm to 8 pm continuously
Location: Budai Hengermalom, 1117 Budapest, Hengermalom út 51.
Language: not language-based
Free of charge

The piece of Femini called Stories carried by old waters – just like Danu – was conceived to be presented at the riverside: the walking performance focuses on life along the river, which thematizes many issues, be it the urban environment and accessibility to natural spaces, regulations, floods and droughts or water clarity.

“Being made of water also means belonging somewhere. By drinking a glass of tap water, we are connected not only to the network of canals that weave through Budapest, but also to the catchment area of ​​the Danube, which covers many thousands of square kilometers – with all its history and inhabitants.”

The two creators worked on the topics offered by the Danube with ladies of retirement age, mapping out what qualities and situations we share with the river.

In September, we were forced to change the location due to flooding – on October 20, however, the performance will be shown at the originally planned location, at Római part.

More information HERE
Date and time:
 October 20 2024, 3:30 pm
Meeting point: entrance to Római-parti market / Nánási út bus stop, 1031 Budapest, Nánási út 47-49.
Language: Hungarian
Ticket purchase HERE

One of our highly successful projects presented in the spring also returns to the PLACCC extra program: Phonexoscope by Gyöngyi Barta, Réka Farkas-Kovách, Bori Sinkó and Bálint Tóth (Meetlab). its soundscape journey invites you to the auditory exploration of another exciting urban location.

During the meditative sound experience, the auditory focus is directed at the sounds that surround us and our position in them. During listening, the boundaries of the self and the environment are blurred, and thanks to the frequencies mixed in real time, a new kind of perception opens up for the participants. The goal of the joint experience is acoustic awareness, defining ourselves and the effects that surround us in the sound space, slowing down and delving into the sonic layers of our environment. The creators use microphones, headphones and meditation techniques for this seemingly simple but actually complex task.

Date and time: October 19, 2024, continuously between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Location: surprise
Language: not language-based
Free of charge

Supported by:
National Cultural Fund
Ministry of Culture and Innovation
Fonds Podiumkunsten / Performing Arts Fund NL
SoAP Maastricht
VALYO – City and River