ARCHIVE_2015 / Kitt JOHNSON (DK): Gaps

 (magyar nyelven ITT)
(part of the MELLEMRUM encounters series)
dance theatre in the urban space of Budapest

Time: 6 PM, 25-26 September, 2015

Meet-up Point: in front of the József Attila Theatre, 1134 Budapest, Váci str. 63.
(We advise you to dress comfortably, in clothes suitable for the weather!)

you can purchase tickets online at, or via e-mail at

Prices: 1.000 HUF, student: 800 HUF

The Danish choreographer and dancer Kitt JOHNSON has been the artistic director of the

X-act company since 1992. She has created more than fifty productions since then in Denmark and around the world. Most of her works have been solo performances, but X-act’s repertoire consists of group productions, contemporary circus performances, site-specific works and productions for children. X-act has a site-specific art programme as well with the title: MELLEMRUM encounters (Mellemrum can be loosley translated as „gap”). This programme gives a chance for international artists interested in this genre to create something new – and after Zagreb, Macau, Copenhagen and Godandugoda in Sri Lanka, it has come to Budapest at last!

Kitt JOHNSON has been refining her unique form of artistic expression in dance for the last 25 years. Her style is minimalist, expressive and innovative. Her theatrical works are defined by disciplined body control, the simple and effective use of props, with the productions portraying the deeper meanings of the human condition through intense physical transformations. This year, as a part of the PLACCC 2015 Festival, her work is centered on the experimentation done by Hungarian dancers participating in her master class about contemporary dance and movement performed in unique public spaces. Guided by Kitt, dancers had a chance to work in groups and by themselves – and in September PLACCC 2015 is proud to present the results of their master class in the form of a workshop presentation!

Facilitator: Kitt JOHNSON
Performers: FRIGY Ádám, Valencia JAMES, SAPP (KÖKÉNYESI Eszter, PÁLFI Gabriella, SZILÁGYI Kata), SARLÓS Flóra Eszter, SZERI Viktor, ZOLETNIK Zsófia / Sophie és KISS Gergely / Geret

Sponsors: EU, In Situ, NKA, Danish Arts Agency, Danish Arts Foundation, Embassy of Denmark, SÍN Arts, Summa Artium

The programme is realised in frame of IN SITU Focus.

3. EU_2 1. INSITU