Invisible Playground (DE) – Reality Research Center (FI): #COPPP [Budapest] Time Catalogue

21-22-23 October, 2016 / Budapest @ Reality Research Festival

How much of your time do you spend waiting every day? Have you ever tried to measure it? You are always waiting for someone. Waiting for something to happen. Waiting to finally have time. Have you ever felt that you’re wasting time waiting – not just minutes, but hours, even days? But wait!

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Did you know that time you spend waiting is time when the outside world cannot ask anything of you? Waiting is a temporary state, so it’s actually an opportunity! Because time spent waiting is your time.

#COPPP (the CENTER OF PASSIVITIES/POSSIBILITIES/POTENTIALITIES) is a site specific urban game, which helps us find new meaning in our moments spent waiting. #COPPP reinterprets communal spaces (ie. bus stops, sidewalks, lines in front of ticket kiosks) and by hacking different social networks (ie. Facebook, Instagram, Youtube) it changes our perception of time. The #COPPP hashtag connects users into a community by building on the creative possibilities inherent in smart phones, with functions like wifi, recording via camera and note taking. #COPPP is everywhere. #COPPP is a catalogue of waiting time exercises.

#COPPP makes it possible for us to analyse and research “waiting in urban spaces” at venues where many different people wait all the time. It allows us to experience our environment in a new way, to redefine our personal time which we thought we had lost, helping us find new ways to use this time. The various waiting time techniques can be combined in any way, and let users create and publish unique artistic content on the internet via photos and other posts. This is why #COPPP is also a kind of communal search engine, which sheds light on how humans behave, and teaches us various techniques in waiting in the city space.

In October 2016 – invited by PLACCC Festival and as a part of the Reality Research Festival – Budapest will host the first #COPPP, followed by a performance in Berlin in November. If you take part in the city walk you can get a waiting license, which will allow you to teach these new time usage methods to others, finding new ways to spend time waiting, and expanding the creative community of #COPPP users.

If you complete these fun tests you will be able to regain control over time spent waiting. Over your time.

The waiting licence exam offers:

  • a complex theoretical test
  • a wide range of field tests with various scenarios
  • day and night waiting simulation training
  • single and combo waiting simulation training
  • waiting celebration*

*during which we will not be monitoring your blood alcohol levels.

Disclaimer. The waiting licence test does not provide techniques to enhance efficiency, economy and exploitation of time. #COPPP is not associated with any time saving movement, and not responsible for any increased usage of personal waiting time.

Artists: Christiane HÜTTER, Pekko KOSKINEN, BALLA Csönge, KOVÁCS Andrea

Supported by: Robert Bosch Stiftung, Finnagora, Kitchen Budapest
Partner: Let it be! Art Agency

Meeting points & times:

  • 8 pm 21 October, Kubik Coworking, 1137 Budapest, Jászai Mari tér 5-6.
  • 6 pm 22 October, Kitchen Budapest, 1092 Budapest, Ráday u. 30.
  • 5 pm 23 October, Kubik Coworking, 1137 Budapest, Jászai Mari tér 5-6.

Opening hours for„waiting area”: 21-27. October – in the during the opening hours of the exhibition
Venue: Kubik, 1137 Budapest, Jászai Mari tér 5-6.
The installation is free of charge.

>>> For the walks buy your tickets online! <<<



Invisible Playground (IP) is a Berlin based group of artists, scientists and game designers, working on urban games and playful experiences, probing the limits of play in urban societies.

In 2010 IP was invited by PLACCC to work on a three-week project for the Field Office Budapest, developing a game tour after observing the underground area of the Nyugati trainstation.

Christiane Hütter (Frau Hue) explores systems: the overlapping areas of participation, science and politics. Therefore she designs playable social fictions in her favourite medium (reality), all over the world. Since 2010 she is a core member of IP and designs urban games and playful experiences. She also co-curated their festival Playpublik. In 2014 she founded the Society for Cultural Optimism with Friedrich Kirschner. She teaches game design and film.



Reality Research Center is a performing arts collective based in Helsinki, Finland, founded in 2001. Their works stem from critical perspectives that observe, question and renew the surrounding reality through performative means. For RRC, performances are both a tool for and a result of artistic research. The collective produces and publishes a quarterly performance journal along with books, articles and reviews.

Pekko Koskinen creates realities based on game design, playing around with combinations of art and everyday life. His works have included fictional religions, social forms, conceptual tools and self-designs. Many of these interact with everyday life. His traditional artworks have been exhibited all over the world, in Athens, the Mercosul Biennials in Brazil, Volksbühne in Germany and New York. He’s currently one of the artistic directors of RRC and a core member of YKON, an advocacy group for utopian thought.