Hódi Csilla – lutzz&bog – Planty Warhol: Micro-cruising / Sensing the City 2024

Is something missing from your people-centred cultural bubble? Are you triggered by new ways to get intimate with your surroundings? Would you discover the joys of invisible togetherness with individuals hiding within arm’s reach? Micro-cruising will lure you into the 3 microbial oases of Budapest, giving you the experience of being one and making your urban life more complete.

Cruising – or the intimate use of the city’s more hidden spaces in search of intimacy – is an open, receptive, almost ritualistic way of signalling one’s desire for contact. Their steps slow down, the sense of smell becomes alive, the skin becomes more porous, the touch extends over the entire surface of his body. Micro-cruising reveals the microbial city to us and guides us (back) towards more direct, more symbiotic urban practices. The visuality-centred perception fades away, replaced by the imagination of being with and imagining the micro-robot. In transformative roaming, the vibrations, rumblings and sherterites of the microbes also become audible – through the artistic-scientific translation of the samples collected from them.

In September 2024, you can join the 3 groups of Micro-crusingers and activate your intimate relationship with environmental microbes in Népliget, on Sas-hill and in the Bosnyak Square market. Your translucence will be facilitated by Sensi-wear, special sampling accessories and an audio guide.

Csilla Hódi is a post-disciplinary artist, community organiser and facilitator who experiments with the performativity of art world-making. For the last 9 years she has been practicing co-thinking with mushrooms, including in a travelling mushroom lab.
lutzz&bog is a transdisciplinary artist and performer, her recent work deals with mushrooms, the corporeality of sound, spatiality, collectivity and playful systemic change.
Planty Warhol is a visual artist and mental health practitioner. In his visual work he is also at home with mushroom threads, snails and other living materials, as well as performance and collaborative-speculative creative processes.

Dates and venues:
3 September 2024, 7 PM, Népliget / Meeting point: in front of Planetarium, 1101 Budapest, Népliget
6 September 2024, 6 PM, Sas-hegy / Meeting point: 1112 Budapest, crossing of Őrség street and Dayka Gábor street
7 September 2024, 10 AM, Bosnyák Square Market / Meeting point: Bolgárkertészek memorial place, 1149 Budapest, Bosnyák tér

The walks are free of charge, but pre-registration is required.

03.09. Népliget HERE
06.09. Sas-hegy HERE
07.09. Bosnyák Square Market HERE

Please have a smartphone and headphones with you or let us know if we shall provide them for you.
Comfortable shoes and weather appropriate clothing are recommended.

Contributor to the discussion related to the art project: dr. István Parádi, plant biologist, adjunct professor at the Department of Plant Biology and Molecular Plant Biology, ELTE TTK
Moderator: Marietta Mogyorósy, landscape and horticultural engineer, nature facilitator

Date of the discussion: 7 PM, 6 September 2024 (after Sas-hegy walk)
Meeting point: 1112 Budapest, crossing of Őrség utca and Dayka Gábor utca, 1112 Budapest

Language: the walks are English-friendly but the discussion is in Hungarian

How to get to the location on Sas-hegy (Sas Hill):

By public transport and on foot:
By tram nr. 59 from Széll Kálmán terminal to Süveg utca stop, from there 12 minutes on foot
By bus nr. 53 from Kosztolányi Dezső tér to Bereck utca stop, from there 10 minutes on foot

By bicycle:
From Budaörsi út via Fehérló utca and Bod Péter utca, with some stronger uphills.
From Budaörsi út via Dayka Gábor utca, with with some stronger uphills.

By car:
Placcc Festival is committed to organising the event in an environmentally friendly way, so we recommend that you do not drive to the venue by car, but use public transport and walk or cycle to the venue.
If you decide to use a car, please share your car with others.