Brida Horváth, Pierre Martin, Stéphane Pogran (FR): Shift

Shift: work done in a specific period of time. The period of time when workers are assigned to the same slot. A group of people working at the same time. There is day, night or even weekend shift. 

The title refers to the working method of the Franco-Hungarian team and the locations where the project has been carried out (out-of-use factories, industrial and other production sites). The inspiration for the project comes from working together at the same time and for the same productive process and purpose, often at the same stage, and from the (often abandoned or nowadays used for other purposes) location. The imprint of times gone by, monotony and long-lasting process(es) are also themes of the creation which is also inspired by the past, the history and the physical features of the specific location.

In May 2022, in an abandoned mill, the Moulin de Constance (Pons, France), the three artists immersed themselves and their collective artistic process for 24 hours without interruption, under the title Les 3_8. In July 2023, the artists adapted the site-specific dance-video-sound performance reflecting on the mill as a place of production work to an unused family watermill in Nagyvázsony.

They intend to continue and share this experience at the Budai Hengermalom (Buda Rolling Mill) in Budapest in September 2024. The project happens once again in a former industrial mill, but the joint research and creative process takes place in two separate locations: the dancer Brida Horváth in Budapest, while the musician Pierre Martin and the video artist Stéphane Pogran work in France in online connection with each other. At the end of the week-long work, a site-specific dance performance will take place at the Hengermalom broadcasted live online so the audience can watch it not only on the site but from anywhere.

Dance: Brida Horváth 
Music: Pierre Martin 
Video: Stéphane Pogran 

Date and time: 6 PM on 19th September 2024
Meeting point: at the entrance of Dürer Kert, 1117 Budapest, Öböl utca 1.
Duration: 50 minutes

Language: not language-based

Ticketed program.

Ticket prices: 
Full price ticket: HUF 2.900
Student- pensioner ticket: 1.500 Ft
Supporter ticket: 5.000 Ft

Ticket purchase: HERE

Partner: L’Atelier IMIS
Special thanks: François des Lingeris (owner of Moulin de Constance, Pons), Ádám Kobrizsa (Vázsonyi Mill, Nagyvázsony)
Special thanks for the location: VALYO – City and River Association