Bogdana Kosmina (UKR): Whispering Absence – Interrupted Presence

In the heart of Budapest, facing Keleti railway station, lies a rare field where time stands still – a liminal space where the ghosts of architectural archaeology coexist with nature’s persistent growth. This urban green void, protected by a fragile transparent fence, becomes a metaphor for the vulnerability of borders, both physical and temporal.

Bogdana Kosmina’s site-specific installation, “Whispering Absence: Interrupted Presence” emerges as the territory’s ethereal voice. The artist shapes an additional boundary line on the plot, intersecting with the existing 50-meter metal fence, to form a new area – no man’s land. This collision of borders gives rise to textual site-specific markers that redefine spatial meanings and highlight new access points, perspectives, and limitations.

Kosmina bridges the gap between lost homes and lost senses through floating texts.  The installation offers diverse perspectives on the interplay between memory, nature, and urban space.

Bogdana Kosmina is Ukrainian architect and visual artists living and working between Berlin, Vienna and Kyiv. Since 2017 she started her own multidisciplinary practice to change the perspectives of Ukrainian public architecture.  Since 2019 she is a co-founder and curator of an exhibition space in a formal postmodernist pavilion “Dzherelo” (The Source) in Kyiv, dedicated to urban transformations through video-art, performance and experimental music.
He has participated in major exhibitions such as the Tbilisi Architecture Biennale, the 59th Venice Biennale, the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale and the Urbane Künste Ruhr for the Ruhrtriennale 2024 in Essen.

10-11 September 2024 – setting up of the installation on location (the artist welcomes visitors also during the creation process)
6 PM 12 September 2024 – opening of the installation
13-21 September 2024 – installation open to the public on location 

Location: empty plot, 1076 Budapest, Verseny u. 22-24.

Language: Ukrainian, Hungarian, English

Programme free of charge.