SVUNG research group: The weight we carry (work-in-progress) A participatory train performance 

What fits in a standard sized suitcase? How does journeying affect our body and mind? Is mobility really connecting Europe or did it become an addiction, exhausting relocation,that brings just as much separation as community?

Journeying is an ongoing artistic research since 2022, investigating how we can think of a journey not as a noun, a phenomenon outside of us, but as a verb: journeying which is both done by us and happens with us.

As the new phase, SVUNG dives deep into the heaviness of journeying. The suitcases, backpacks and IKEA bags that we carry around, becoming extensions of the modern human body. And the weight of our thoughts, struggles and responsibilities that slows us down. We aim to play around with how these mental and physical spaces can be used as inspiration.

This work in progress showing is a participatory experience, showcasing weight carrying choreographies and interventions at the trainstation and an audioguided train experience that we take together, including a deck of cards. The project was developed at a residency with Divadlo Studio Tanca (SK) this summer, and is now adapted to the new context.

17:29 gathering at Nyugati Railway Station at the displays at the entrance from Westend shopping mall
17:44 Journeying start
18:08 train departure to Nagymaros
Slow walk along the Danube and picnic
21:14 trainride back to Budapest

Creators and performers: Luca Borsos, Kinga Szemessy, Napsugár Trömböczky

Date and time: 5.29 PM 30th August 2024
Laocation: Nagymaros
Meeting point: Nyugati Railway Station, at the displays at the entrance from Westend shopping mall

Language: Hungarian, English-friendly

The event is free, but registration required.
Please register HERE
You can support SVUNG research group with donations at the end of the event.

 Journeying – The weight we carry has been realised within the framework of the IN SITU (Un)common Spaces project and the European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists program with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation and the National Cultural Fund. IN SITU (Un)common Spaces project is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.