Nermin Habib_Ezzat Ismail / workshop

Időpontok: 2019 szeptember 6, 7, 8.
Helyszín: Műhely Alapítvány próbatermei, 1027 Budapest Jurányi u. 1.

Nermin Habib és Ezzat Ismail egyiptomi táncosok és koreográfusok két workshopot is tartanak a Placcc keretében. Míg Nermin az autentikus hastánc és kortárs tánc fúzíójával, addig Ezzat az Egyiptomban napjainkban elterjedtté vált Sha3by és a modern mozdulatművészet ötvözetével ismerteti meg az érdeklődőket.

Bővebb információ és jelentkezés:
Ezzat Ismail workshopja
Nermin Habib workshopja

Nemzeti Kulturális Alap, Creative Europe, In Situ, Imre Zoltán Program (IZP), Balassi Intézet (Kairó), Townhouse Gallery (Kairó), Nassim el-Raqs Festival (Alexandria), D-Caf Festival (Kairó), Műhely Alapítvány


Workshops by Nermin Habib and Ezzat Ismail
6th, 7th and 8th September, 2019
Location: Workshop Foundation, 1027 Budapest, Jurányi u. 1-3.

Nermin Habib: Oriental Fíusion workshop
Oriental Fusion workshop is structured as an aerobic oriental workshop. Participants learn how to put their own characters into dance through using belly dance isolation and drills to sculpt and strengthen their bodies. They learn more about muscle control, traveling steps, turns and floor work. Not only does this workshop provide participants with powerful dance moves, but it also gives them stronger muscles, helps open up the hips, loosen the torso, and works out tensions in the body.

Ezzat Ismail: Contemporary Sha3by Fusion
It is a mixed experience through the Egyptian local new form of dance (Sha3by) with a contemporary dance approach, where the participants get to feel the groove and flow of Sha3by dance, through the deepness of contemporary dance. Sha3by Dance is developed from a very local movements that is based on praising/showing of the skills of using the soft weapons in street fights, it is transformed to be a very interesting, rough and competitive type of dance but yet peaceful that danced by everyone in local weddings and celebrations.

Registration here:
Ezzat Ismail workshop
Nermin Habib workshop

Supporters: National Cultural Fund, Creative Europe, In Situ, Imre Zoltán Program (IZP), Balassi Institute (Kairó), Townhouse Gallery (Kairó), Nassim el-Raqs Festival (Alexandria), D-Caf Festival (Kairó), Workshop Foundation