Open Call / Experimental Architectural WS with Guénolé Jézéquel (Bureau Cosmique, FR)

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Placcc City Conversation programunk részét alkotja a francia Bureau Cosmique építészeti-művészeti kollektíva vezetője, Guénolé Jézéquel kísérleti építészeti workshopja, amely személyes történetek és a szóbeli történelem (oral history), valamint az ideiglenes és állandó művészeti beavatkozások kapcsolatát vizsgálta elméleti megközelítésen és gyakorlati alkotáson keresztül.

A Mindspace-szel közösen szervezett ötnapos workshop eredményét, a TIME-SCOPE interaktív köztéri installációt 2017. szeptember 15-én 14.00 és 17.00 között láthatják és próbálhatják ki az érdeklődők.

Helyszín: 1084 Budapest, Rákóczi tér, illetve a Rákóczi téri csarnok


PLACCC Festival has invited the artistic leader of the young French architects’ collective, Bureau Cosmique to hold a workshop in Budapest. The workshop will focus on the relationship of personal stories, oral history of a place and (temporary or permanent) architectural interventions in an urban context.

Key-words and questions:
– exploring the invisible, hidden parts and potentials of a place through local stories,
– mapping and defining the sphere of our action by listening to local people and oral history,
– developing tools to discover the layers of the landscape and to overcome urban obstacles, as well as to create new stories and layers,
– experimenting with temporary artistic-architectural interventions in the target area, examining the potential of the “horizontal creation” based on a dialogue with the city and its inhabitants.

Planned structure of the workshop:
– Days 1, 2: defining the target area, the key topics and the tools,
– Days 3, 4, 5: creating plans and temporary interventions reflecting on the chosen area and issues,
– Day 5, afternoon: informal sharing of the results.
The workshop is meant to be a preparatory phase of a major project to be realized in frame of PLACCC 2018 Festival, and the participants of the present workshop will have a priority to participate at the project in 2018.

Dates: 11-15 September 2017, from 10 am to 18 pm daily
It is warmly suggested to participate at the whole workshop (40 hours), but at least 20 hour of participation is requested.
Location: in public space (TBC)

The workshop is free, but registration is required.
The organisers provide lunch for the participants on the days of the workshop.
Number of participants: maximum 10 pers.

About Bureau Cosmique
Bureau Cosmique is an association about architecture created and based in Rennes, France, since 2012. Our relation to architecture is free and open-minded. We try to mix up knowledge and field’s experience with design, scenography, landscape, construction and communication. DIY it’s our tune. We are what we make. It’s necessary to be reactive and catch the right moment because answers are no longer moving at the same speed of administrative and political times. Ideas have to be tested right here, right now, to increase possibilities of what it’s going on next. This is how we have to be to keep interest in the city of our days and the way it’s growing up, always moving, always dreaming. Architecture is the catalyst of the collective psyche. It must allow everyone’s mind to picture it. Architecture is like a cinema screen, not a fad, not an object. It shouldn’t require any abilities or culture to be understood, only imaginary is freedom. We want to create some” fantasies machines”, some pipes dream. It’s all about desire.

Registrations and more information on the workshop: