National Performance Art Theatre



It’s a MATCH – or will be – maybe –

Join us for a fun game where you might just find your MATCH – or at least have a blast trying!

Welcome to our in-person event where the magic of connection happens! Whether it’s finding a new friend, a business partner, or perhaps even a romantic interest, you never know who you might meet. Come join us for a fun and relaxed game where you can see if that special MATCH awaits.

„I’m hooked on dating apps. I used them very actively for a very long time. After a while, I noticed that I was not comfortable using them and often found myself in uncomfortable situations. I wondered why I was using them, if I could stop, if I could get out, what I was looking for, what I REALLY wanted.”

In search of answers, we created an offline Tinder variation, a simulation that creates a spark (or not) by mapping the app’s functionality. This event is a game. Here you can meet offline regardless of age and gender through a set of dating rules. Guided by the matchmaker fairies, you’ll be safe. Just don’t burn your hands!

All spectators are participants in the game.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to meet new people. See you there!


The great8 – participatory performative walk

The National Performance Art Theater Collective is busy with thinking about how we get to know each other and our environment. The first action of the Collective invites the participants to walk in the 8th district of Budapest while playing action theater games. Bring a friend, a family member or a date, who doesn’t know the area! Explore the hidden gems of the quarter and notice unobserved everyday details. You will have a chance to stop, listen, get into the flow and look at something old with a new perspective. It’s high time to change your LinkedIn, Instagram, Tinder or Facebook profile pic? There will be photo opps for the participants at a pretty, but not so well- known spot. Feel free to use them as you wish.

Duration: 1,5 hours

Facilitators: Mikolt Emese Tózsa, Noémi Noya Szántusz, Zsófi Rebeka Kozma

The project had its first development phase of planning time and a week of rehearsals through the STEREO10 Festival in May 2023, where it had try-outs and an official debut. We received valuable feedback from the participants that we would like to review and develop the project further. We would like to develop its story line in the 8th district and would also like to adapt it to other districts (as we have done in the 11th district at MU Theater in June 2023) as well as other cities in Hungary and abroad. Our aim is to find a method to reflect on our surroundings and activate different neighborhoods.

We are looking for financial contribution to work on it in Budapest for anywhere between one week to a month and residency opportunities in other cities.